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by Tracie Satel

I was born into a retail family. We are Lebanese and my grandmother Selma Satel started an exclusive men’s store in Alamo Heights in the 1950’s.

Design has always been my main passion, but I ventured into the corporate world for several years which took me to Los Angeles. I loved the people, but not the job.

Now I design and make jewelry as a profession. I have changed my line several times over the year’s trying to find my true niche. I finally, stopped listening to others and followed my heart. This is a trait I got from the late Selma Satel.
I design high quality necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, all made of real stone and metal. Pieces you can add on to in the future, which will not go out of style. These are everyday pieces or ones you can wear to an evening event. A wise lady once told me, “Follow your true calling and never back down even when times are tough.” These are words I live bye each day. This is my true passion, and I cannot wait to share it with you.

Tracie Satel